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Music Makes Sense - Tom Jay

Tom Jay

Tom Jay has been a firm fixture at Sense since the early days. Travelling far and wide with the brand, playing across London and the southeast as well as a string of appearances in Ibiza. Tom's signature production style is disco influenced but a groove heavy blend of deep house. Tom has had major releases on Sense with his track 'Strings of Noel' picking up huge support from the likes of Sidney Charles as well as 'Hotline fling' that was a feature of many DJ sets over the summer. His latest track 'La Belle' was also premiered by Mixmag and has received spins from none other than Mall Grab and Alex virgo. So we at Sense couldn't think of anyone better to ask to deliver Music Makes Sense 021 to us.

We asked Tom 5 important questions ahead of our Birthday on the 1st of December, with Artwork...


1. What’s your favourite track in your collection at the moment?

Bud Brothers – In The Rain

2. Who would you say is the most underrated DJ/Producer currently?

Pepe or Adryiano. Neither are underrated but I think widely unappreciated.

3. Name one of the best moments you’ve experienced at a Sense event that you’ll always remember?

An impromptu B2B with Sidney was fun! But the gritty Basement days were the best, have made some lifelong friends from those parties.

4. Which Sense Traxx release have you been most excited about this year?

Ranerro’s ‘Hard Case’ EP is just a wonderful deep release, pretty faultless, for me.

5. In 3 words describe what to expect from your mix?

Digging. Acid. Noel.

Don't forget you can join us on the 1st December at Talk Nightclub for our 6th Birthday w/ Artwork.

Just head over to Resident Advisor and grab your ticket now.

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