Music Makes Sense - 015 - Matthew Harrington

Ahead of our party with Jonas Rathsman on the 6th May We have invited Matt down to join us as we will now be opening up early (9pm) for this very special party! We asked for him to put together a 30min mix for Music Makes Sense.
Always being heavily passionate about his music and wanting to share his love of music that he has found, Matthew quickly took up DJing as a hobby as a form to express the music that enjoys. His style is very much techno based, although his spectrum of techno is very wide and covers many different varieties of techno. The music Matthew plays is more Tribal based but he has recently gained a liking to much more melodic vibes as a way of taking his music listeners through a musical journey.
Mainly influenced by the label Drumcode, where artists such as Harvey Mckay & Tiger Stripes play a role in the music that Matthew chooses for his sets. Alas his influences do not stop there with other labels such as Afterlife and Keinmusik also play a role on the tribal sounds of Matthews music. A DJ he seriously looks up too is the likes of Seth Troxler, with his ability to play any genre of music in any location and to do so comfortably, inspires Matthew to do more with his music.