Music Makes Sense - 012 - Lund (4th Birthday Countdown)

Ahead of our 4th birthday we asked a few of our guests to put together 30min mixes of music you can expect to hear on the night.
After attending his first ever house music event which happened to be at Sense with Josh Butler at the age of 18, Lund quickly fell in love with the house scene after this experience and wanted to give DJ'ing a go, learning on his dad’s technics originally and practicing with vinyl before moving to CDJs.
Although open to a all music, Lunds main house love resides in his passion for the real housey Chicago vibe. He loves the use of pianos in house music, the sound they create to give a uplifting happy vibe is what he’s all about.
Influenced by DJ's from the likes of Claptone and being a lover of his label Exploited to DJ's like Skream who always comes across to Lund as someone who’s passionate about the music he’s playing and his live performances certainly showcase that. The variety found from these different DJ's can all be found in Lunds sets.